
  • Daylight Fades is a movie starring Matthew Stiller, Rachel Miles, and Allen C. Gardner. What do you do when you can save the life of the man you love by giving him eternal life? Desperate for a second
  • Auction Hunters, Allen Haff and Ton Jones, travel America bidding on unclaimed storage units they think will contain the most hidden treasure - worth big cash - the better the history the higher the p
  • Auction Hunters, Allen Haff and Ton Jones, travel America bidding on unclaimed storage units they think will contain the most hidden treasure - worth big cash - the better the history the higher the p
  • coinciding with the 120th anniversary of Vogue, takes a look at some of the world’s most influential fashion images as conceived by the magazine’s iconic fashion editors.
  • Three terrifying tales to keep you awake all night: ‘Night of the Sea Monkey’, ‘Lamb Feed’ and ‘Homewrecked’ – a trifecta of 80s throwback terror with mauling monsters, home invasions gone haywire and
  • 未来世界中,工程工人道格拉斯(Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)被继续的梦境困扰,那是一系列发作在白色火星上的体验道格拉斯在广告上发现了回想旅游公司的引见,虽然同事正告他这种虚拟旅游可以会危害人类的大脑,但比起亲身去一趟充溢着反政府武装的火星,回想旅游公司确是一个不错的选择道格拉斯如愿接受了回想旅游的效力,但是虚拟记忆的进程突然出现错误,自此一系列不可思议的阅历出如今道格拉斯的身上,
  • 发现鲨鱼正被捕杀到绝种,随同着他们对我们的生命维持系统的破坏——活动家和电影制片人罗布·斯图尔特末尾了一项风险的义务来阻止屠杀在鲨鱼和金钱进入难以捉摸的海盗捕鱼业之后,斯图尔特揭露了一个数十亿美元的丑闻,这让我们一切人都参与了史上最大的野生植物大屠杀。
  • 2015年弗雷迪·格雷在警方拘留所里逝世后,巴尔的摩是一座边缘城市格雷死后不久迸发了战争抗议和破坏性暴乱,与此同时,该市等候着6名参与事情的警察的命运,反映出当局和社区之间的严重分歧,并强调迫切需求和解
  • 美国导演吉普·安德森希望经过这部纪录片探求畜牧业对生态环境的影响和与荒漠化、污染及其他环境效果的关联   在看过2006年上映的环境维护电影《难以无视的真相》后,导演吉普·安德森成为了一名环保主义者他在日常生活中末尾循环运用物资、随手关灯、糜费用水并经常骑车下班、低碳出行。就在2014年,他发现了一个自己从未关注过、关于环境维护的电影拍摄题材:畜牧业。 
  • Private investigator Abel Walker along with his cameraman, Jim, is on the hunt for a missing woman. As they unravel the mystery of her disappearance, they become caught in a sick and violent game that