
  • 跟随寻宝姐妹赫拉和雅典娜踏上寻觅海盗黑胡子传奇宝藏的旅程,一路上他们遇到了奇特的东西和微妙的文物,姐妹末尾置信,并非只需她们二人在寻觅宝藏,她们必需运用自己的智慧和武力,以智取胜凶残的对手。
  • Journalism icon Gay Talese reports on Gerald Foos, the Colorado motel who allegedly secretly watched his guests with the aid of specially designed ceiling vents, peering down from an "observation
  • After the loss of her family, a young woman struggles to survive in a world long-since destroyed by disease; but when a lonely traveler offers her a place in his community, she must decide if the prom
  • 纪录片《黎明墙》(The Dawn Wall)首曝预告,讲述两名女子徒手降服“世界最难攀爬绝壁”黎明墙的阅历,热血沸腾鼓舞人心[并不复杂] 2015年1月,Tommy Caldwell和Kevin Jorgeson末尾攀爬,两人在峻峭的垂直悬崖上生活了数周,引发了全球媒体的狂热关注对Caldwell来说,这不只仅是一次攀爬,也是证明自己的弱小之处的时机:22岁时,Caldwell被吉尔吉斯斯坦叛军
  • Award winning writer, celebrity Mark Travis seeks inspiration by returning to his hometown. What he finds is not what he expected. Her name is Holly. What Holly would do, is like nothing Mark has ever
  • In Josh Sternfeld"s meticulously crafted murder mystery, a Catskills police detective (Nick Stahl) charged with investigating a juvenile homicide in an affluent suburb finds he must return to his stru
  • Summering on Cape Cod in 1985, precocious young Lily befriends an enigmatic girl her age named Mesa. Through their shared time biking the quaint land and exploring the depths of their true selves, the
  • 年轻的气候学家帕特·科迪兹发明了一种能计算天气的公式,被天气保险员罗伯特·本森有意中发现罗伯特为了失掉公式,假意接近帕特,天分严酷的帕特对罗伯特渐生好感与此同时,罗伯特的下属布劳伊与帕特的老板麦克狼狈为奸,偷走了帕特的公式笔记,并希图寻觅买家将其出售……
  • 本(马修·布罗德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)希望可以成为一名儿童歌曲创作歌手,可事实是严酷的,他似乎并没有这方面的天赋。为了维持生计,本还从事着校正的义务,但在不久之前,他失掉了解雇通知,这也就意味着,本彻底成为了无业游民。   在事业一蹶不振的同时,本也没可以扮演好一个父亲的角色。允许带女儿出去玩的他,留给女儿的只需不时的承诺以及不时的爽约。在纷乱的生活中,独一能让本抓紧的,
  • 戴维斯和她的女友一同离开赌城拉斯维加斯淘金,她们当掉了身上的值钱物价到赌场赌,赌输了之后预备在赌城营生,她们做了夜场的钢管舞女郎偶然的时机戴维斯被赌城大老板雷看上,随后她不再跳舞成了他的情人,四处的跟他寻欢作乐。雷有个矿,专门用于为他开采白银,运送到外面卖钱。一次偶然时机戴维斯遇到了年轻的矿工,她和他有了私情。她经常私下约会矿工。雷后来失掉了遗产,庄园也被卖掉,一天早晨被发现曾经在家中死亡了。戴维