
  • A comatose five-year-old girl journeys through an industrial wonderland to find her way back to consciousness.
  • Set in 1990, a lonely bachelor named David (Brian Landis Folkins) searches for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his aging mother (Kathleen Brady). While seeking a partner through a
  • Don Koch tries to renovate a rundown mansion with a sordid history for his growing family, only to learn that the house has other plans.
  • Straight-laced, type-A personality Joy Miles has to take an unscheduled road trip to drive her forgetful, yet opinionated, mother-in-law, Loraine, from Louisville, Kentucky to Savannah, Georgia. Altho
  • Straight-laced, type-A personality Joy Miles has to take an unscheduled road trip to drive her forgetful, yet opinionated, mother-in-law, Loraine, from Louisville, Kentucky to Savannah, Georgia. Altho
  • 甲流(H1N1)病毒迸发,致令全世界堕入一片末世的恐慌之中但在这一庞大灾难面前,人类的丑恶与贪心愈加彰显无遗。亿万女富豪出资资助格雷夫曼教授(乔·扎索 Joe Zaso 饰)的医学研讨小组,要他研讨甲流病毒的变种,开发最为弱小的病毒。虽多少受着良知上的苛责,但格雷夫曼依然继续他的实验,并且不惜拿活人作观察标本。与此同时,德才兼备、才气横溢的29岁英国生物迷信学者马尔科姆·伯尔(杰·戴伊 Jai D
  • While searching Las Vegas for the man who killed his famous father -- a wrestler known for his trademark tiger mask -- Chuji Kurenai (Bruce Locke) is drawn into an underground world where brutal fight
  • Anarrogantdetective,CharlesCourtney,prideshimselfonneverhavingcommittedasinglemistakeinhislonganddistinguishedcareer.Hekeepsashelfoflabeledmementosfromeachofhiscases.Ontheshelfthereisanopenspaceandabl
  • 这部由Empire Films投资拍摄的低本钱科幻丧尸片《H1N1:VIRUS X未知瘟疫》(暂定名)在好莱坞完成了最后的拍摄义务,导演Ryan Stevens Harris随后投入到紧张的前期制造当中,这部由大批重生代演员担当主演的丧尸片制造精良,很值得丧迷们等候。剧情:一种微妙的猪流感大肆传达,它可以将被感染的人变成丧尸,而这一切却和两个迷信家有着亲密的关系…………
  • 《希瑞与特殊的公主们》讲述了孤儿阿多拉(卡莉罗饰)的故事,有一天她发现了一把魔法神剑,可以让她变身为奥秘战士公主希瑞,便脱离了此前生活的罪恶的霍德王国一路走来,她在对立军中找到了新的家人,她集结了一群魔法公主,与罪恶力气展开终极妥协。荣获艾斯纳奖的作家和监制诺埃尔·史蒂文森(《夏令营奇遇记》、《妮莫娜》)和监制查克·奥斯汀(《疯狂原始人:欢乐退场》、《宇宙小子》)用现代视角加以归结,把希瑞这位 2