
  • 边隧谜案 第二季
    Elise Wasserman and Karl Roebuck investigate when a couple are abducted from the Channel Tunnel in front of their young daughter. Events take a dramatic turn when a plane crashes into the Channel.
  • 英国导演丹尼·鲍耶(Danny Boyle)将为福克斯探照灯公司拍摄《127小时》(127 Hours),该片依据真人真事改编,讲述了美国登山青年阿伦·拉斯顿(Aron Ralston)断臂自救的故事。   2003年5月美国登山喜好者阿伦·拉斯顿在犹他州一座峡谷攀岩时,因 右臂被石头压住被困5天5夜,为了逃生,他强忍剧痛,花了一个多小时的时间,先后将桡骨和尺骨折断,用自己的运动短裤当作
  • Elise Wasserman and Karl Roebuck investigate when a couple are abducted from the Channel Tunnel in front of their young daughter. Events take a dramatic turn when a plane crashes into the Channel.