
  • 入围第67届柏林国际电影节(2017)主竞赛单元。故事发作在在葡萄牙,三口之家的家庭经受经济危机的影响。失业的父在屋顶上注视着不再为他提供未来的地平线。母亲因任务双班而精疲力竭。他们青春期的女儿把自己的秘密留给自己,想知道能否有足够的钱支付她的车费到学校。宽镜头下捕捉的心情巧妙又充溢试探。家庭成员末尾坚持他们以前的角色,在彼此关系发生巧妙变化的同时显露与以往的自己不一样的实质。每团体都就末尾把自己
  • Drowning in debt, unemployed boxer Jorge is on the verge of losing his young son and his Brazilian wife. He is one of shocking amounts of Portuguese families and companies unable to repay their loans
  • In Portugal, a father, a mother and a daughter"s daily lives are being subsumed by the effects of the economic crisis.