
  • 因植物恐慌的博物馆馆长,被塑封成展览品的母亲,一出有关圣母的芭蕾舞剧,因罗丹而疲累的保安们,迷失在性展览会上的大臣,消逝在Rembrandt(荷兰画家)停车场的汽车,一群热爱印象画派的外省人,淘气的小孩从这个展厅跑到另一个展厅,藏身于名画保管箱中的偷渡者,毕加索,高更,奥霍尔,一切人在这个表现众生百态的小世界里,在这个并不完全是虚拟的博物馆里,将人类诙谐可笑的举动发扬极致
  • Settled in the 17th century this suspenseful miniseries tells the story of the assertive Comtessa Julie. She is searching for a dark secret of her past. A time when Europe was riddled with suspicion,
  • After the death of his son, a Sargent Major in the Colmar police department, Dr. Étienne Ronsard steps in to look after a grandson he hardly knows. It had been years since Étienne last s