
  • 联络人生是由Anthony G. Sumner导演的一部电影,于2010年上映。寄生虫、剖腹、僵尸、连环杀手、恶魔儿童、暴力泼妇,疯狂的下班族和愤怒的胚胎全部从肉体生命的春天掩盖安东尼G.萨姆纳的(恐惧画廊)的生活点滴特征的素描书本。米拉(Kaylee Williams)在路边一个破旧的汽车旅馆前唤醒失忆。她寻觅线索,她的身份结合在三个写生书中,每本书代表了日常生活的不同方面,也许她的生活页面。由
  • A prisoner in her own home| a captive in her own body. Assaulted and trapped with no one to hear her cries for help...and knowing no one will believe her if they do.This is the terrifying reality Alai
  • 'Slayer: The Repentless Killogy' is a short narrative film written and directed by BJ McDonnell, that blends the music of Slayer with an uncompromising and unmissable, trilogy of music videos assemble