
  • Cristiano Ronaldo: The World at His Feet follows the footballer from his beginnings in Portugal, breakthrough start with Manchester United and current career at Real Madrid.
  • 维罗是一个既年轻美貌,又精明强干的女人,刚刚提升为机长的她更是春风自得但是在丈夫弗兰博瓦的眼里,她却是个不解风情的妻子。在孩子们的眼里,她是个严肃可怕的母亲。丈夫弗兰博瓦甚至坦言悔恨现在没有娶维罗的孪生妹妹朱丽亚,这个念头可让维罗这个女强者受不了。为了试探出丈夫的真情,维罗乔装装扮,与长相和自己酷似的妹妹朱丽亚对换了身份。扮成妹妹的维罗举止庄重,还要忍受追求者马克的骚扰,但这一切却让她了解到了这个
  • A modern and unrelentingly tense psychological thriller based on a theory of the origins of shortwave radio frequencies, Shortwave is an unnerving reminder that some stones are best left unturned.