
  • 1994年6月,历史上最严酷的大规模屠杀事情发作在新英格兰北部的遥远地域四个月后,历史重演了。夏天完毕时,一群好冤家们自豪地称谓新罕布什尔州为家,这是成年的标志。但是当他们末尾外地的礼仪仪式-游览到南方,最后一个周末的放纵生活-这能够是他们最后的周末时期,由于这一仪式注定要发作可怕的事情,他们发现自己堕入了一个挣扎求生的妥协中……
  • In season three, James Cole and Cassandra Railly embark on a desperate search across time to find the man responsible for the apocalypse, a time traveler who calls himself the Witness. Killing the Wit
  • FOX宣布续订医务剧#The Resident##住院医生#第二季
  • Riza is a minibus driver universally loved by the folk of Surici, the neighborhood of of IStanbul where he was born and raised. Ayperi on the other hand is the outsider who will turn Riza"s life
  • Dan (Varun Dhawan) is living the life of any carefree 21 year old, revolving around a bunch of friends and fellow hotel interns who feed off each other"s everyday moments, their ups and downs. Shiuli
  • 反正每部血腥片里都会有大波妹,恶兔总是觉得萌萌哒,桶上钉钉的情节还是很创意的,不过滚的不够远。最终的小兔仔子很落寞的觉得!
  • 男主角雷蒙外表上是小镇的玩具店老板,实践上却是国度的超级特务为了执行义务,他经常在世界各地飞来飞去,因此而错过儿子的棒球竞赛,甚至见不到妻子的最后一面。但是,不论雷蒙怎样隐瞒他的真实身份,仇家还是找上门来,并且让他变成了座上客。独一能援救他的人,只要事先在场目击一切的儿子。  本片的故事架构跟阿诺主演的《魔鬼大帝:真实诺言》有点相同,但制造规模和文娱效果均相差甚多,职业摔角高手库克霍根饰
  • One of the most anticipated fights in UFC history will take place in Las Vegas on Saturday, October 6. "The Notorious" Conor McGregor returns in an attempt to retake the UFC lightweight titl