
  • A telegram has just arrived ant the Persichette home in Italy. It seems that their late grandfather"s second wife, Maria Juana, is traveling from Venezuela to Italy to visit her stepson and two grandc
  • 讲述了一个奥秘的女士带着孩子,离开一个村庄隐居,她尽量避开一切人的留意,直到在一位年轻绅士的诚意感动下,才说出她原来在规避她的丈夫。
  • 内详
  •   When Giacomo DAmato is released from jail he is immediately employed by Magda, in a plot to secure her the heritage of
  • Edwige Fenech 饰演 Julie,一位意大利外交官(Manuel Gill)的妻子。度假回来不久,Julie 听说了系列暴力性立功的音讯,(&lduo;是一名性欲狂吗?”他的司机问警察,答曰:“是的,不过他还用剃刀。”),使她想起了以前的情人Jean (Ivan Rassimov演)以及两人世曾经的狂乱的关系。Jean 在 Julie 参与的一个聚会
  • A woman recovering from a car accident in which she lost her unborn child finds herself pursued by a coven of devil worshipers.