
  • 27世纪中叶,地球人与克尔瑞奇族迸发旷日耐久的战争小行星帕格萨斯某日遭到克尔瑞奇的奇袭,驻守官兵抵御不住败下阵来,智能导航仪也被冤家夺走,这也意味着克尔瑞奇族将势不可当,进攻地球为了确保联邦舰队及时回防,杰弗瑞·吐温司令(戴维·沃纳 David Warner 饰)命令詹姆斯·盖斯特(Tchéky Karyo 饰)和达德·马修(马修·里沃德 Matthew Lillard 饰)、克里斯托弗·布雷尔(
  • Jeff is an ordinary guy that is stuck at a dead end job with a boring life, but when a strange old man gives him an Ancient relic and tells him that he is the last bloodline of H.P. Lovecraft, He and