
  • In 1980"s Helsinki, a city about to burst with young energy and rebellion, two young writers determined to conquer the world fall madly in love. For Inka, the love affair puts everything in motion: sh
  • In 1980"s Helsinki, a city about to burst with young energy and rebellion, two young writers determined to conquer the world fall madly in love. For Inka, the love affair puts everything in motion: sh
  • 芬兰恐惧片影片取材于外地的真实惨案:1960年6月4日,四个年轻人分开波登湖旁边露营,结果在半夜遭到严酷袭击,其中三名受益者死亡,还剩一名幸存者预先想不起发作了什么,但这起事故最终由于缺乏足够的证据而成为了一宗悬案,外界关于该案有着各种猜想,这些猜想便促进了导演对剧情的构思,也就是本片的内容....