
  • UFO's, Aliens, Men in Black, Government conspiracies and agendas. Like many people, Tom Keating thought that those things were the product of delusional minds and crackpots and was a skeptic himself u
  • This black comedy answers the question that has obsessed America and the world since November 08, 2016. How did Donald Trump become President of the United States?
  • 裘金去巴黎原本是为了修补巴黎歌剧院受损的镜子,却不期而遇了舞蹈总监艾莲,两人一时忘情居然无法自制的热吻起来,亲吻事前,之前素未谋面的两集团居然毫无缘由的做起相反的举措,不只是在跳舞的时分,还包括生活中,无论是刷牙、行走、站着、坐着、上厕所以及睡觉…
  • 在戈达尔和戈林对芝加哥八大审问的自在解读中,霍夫曼法官成为希姆莱法官(他在《纨绔子弟》的中心折叠上涂鸦笔记),芝加哥八大成为法国革命社会的缩影,戈达尔和戈林区分扮演列宁和卡尔·罗萨,讨论政治以及如何经过电影展现他们