
  • 90年代初期,素英分开韩国,独自带着儿子东贤生活在加拿大郊区。素英决计为儿子提供更好的生活,于是她努力抑制种族效果和文明差异。随着年龄的增长,东贤对母亲在韩国的过往越来越猎奇,尤其自己的父亲——母亲不情愿提起的那个男人。与之相反,素英则全心树立她的重生活:她末尾与一位韩裔意大利人展开关系,这位严酷的先生也希望成为东贤的继父。但这一行为却让她和东贤之间的关系愈加紧张。一天,突如其来的凶讯让母子俩重回
  • An affectionate look back at the making of the classic TV dramatisation of Evelyn Waugh's famous novel, Brideshead Revisited.   The documentary/tribute features contributions from Derek Granger (
  • 一个女人成为她的主播姐姐微妙溺水死亡的主要嫌疑人
  • 一个小偷从暴虐黑帮老大邓波儿的贩毒窝点偷了数百万现金后,在他逃跑的车里发现了一个偷渡者:邓波儿怀孕的妻子米娅。邓波儿不顾一切地要回他的钱和他未出生的儿子,派出一队杀手和赏金猎人把米娅和小偷带回来。速度,机智和瞄得准给了他们耐久的优势,但他们的运气能维持多久呢?
  • Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Panoramix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. Accompanied by Asterix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel the Gallic world in s
  • 每一集团的生长阅历往往是艰辛的,特别是当您面对死亡之时。关于女主角GeorgeLass,生活是幽默的,每日只是做着一些生动的义务,在家亦只可以感到少少的暖和,莫非这个便是命运?但世事往往会令人惊喜,George在她新上任的义务中遇到不测而身亡,随后更被选中成为在其它人临死时出现,把灵魂带走的死神(GrimReaper)。从此,她便以一个全新的身份,与其它一同被选中的死神一同,执行这个十分抚慰的义务
  • 一个17岁的女孩在她的手机上与一集团工智能构成了一种相互依赖的关系,并末尾了一场严酷的暴行
  • Seventeen-year-old Cassie has become a recluse ever since her mother died in a horrible car accident. In an effort to fill the void, she downloads the latest intelligent personal assistant A.M.I., whi
  • Set in 1989, Jake (Harmon), an out-of-work photojournalist who struggles with addiction and a troubled past, takes a job as watchman of a wilderness lodge on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest,
  • AMI

    Seventeen-year-old Cassie has become a recluse ever since her mother died in a horrible car accident. In an effort to fill the void, she downloads the latest intelligent personal assistant A.M.I., whi