
  • Nacho flees the violence of his home in Buenos Aires and looks for a home under the protection of his father, a rancher with whom he barely has a relationship. Nacho will have to fight to understand h
  • A young woman falls in love with a famous novelist and travels with him to his home in Southern Italy. There, her obsession with the memory of his dead wife begins to consume her.
  • 莉拉和阿毛在巴士站相遇,莉拉害臊外向,与生俱来的言语阻碍,阿毛生动外向,总是机机喳喳说个不停,莉拉用功念书,阿毛以合法赛车维生,就像磁铁的二极无法依从,莉拉与阿毛相互吸引由于天生口吃,莉拉被课堂上被同窗讪笑是智障,同窗经常模拟她口吃的样子教员从报告中识出莉拉的文字天份,建议她参与一个诗社,她将说不出口的话语化成一首又一首的诗篇,当短诗宣布到部落格,立刻惹起关注,网友纷繁称赞。她刻不容缓想跟阿毛分享
  • A young woman falls in love with a famous novelist and travels with him to his home in Southern Italy. There, her obsession with the memory of his dead wife begins to consume her.
  • Alex是个恶性骨质煺型性早期病人,在无药可救的状况下,妻子Kristen转向求助Alex的好友Thomas,寻觅一种异于惯例的治疗方法,但难以想象的反作用激怒了死者们