
  • Journalism icon Gay Talese reports on Gerald Foos, the Colorado motel who allegedly secretly watched his guests with the aid of specially designed ceiling vents, peering down from an "observation
  • 在不远的未来,Bacurau 村的女族长卡梅蒂塔逝世,享年94岁,全村都沉溺在悲痛之中几天后村民们发现村庄从地图上消逝了
  • 13岁男孩帕布罗的父亲逝世了,在村庄外的路上,他遇到了一个奇特的生疏人帕科,帕科的车坏了。帕布罗一末尾对帕科有警戒,但在觉得帕科很能了解自己后,帕布罗逐渐地将帕科视为父亲一样。但是,帕科分开这个偏远的小村却有着不为人知的目的……
  • Former Colonel Fernandez is appointed Minister of the National Anti-Drug Agency (SENAD) and purges the special forces to fight the first of many battles against drug trafficking on the border of Parag
  • 因偷盗罪被判入狱五年的Tony(吉恩·塞维斯 Jean Servais 饰)出狱了,他的冤家Jo(Carl Mhner 饰)想和他再去盗一个珠宝店,被Tony拒绝了Tony想找回他以前的女友Mado,但是此时Mado却和另一个黑帮老大Grutter在一同Tony很气愤,打了Mado,并且决计重新赢回Mado。于是他允许了Jo,并结合Mario和César一共四人展开了偷盗珠宝店的举动。举动实施得十
  • 剧情纲要:   蜜雪儿·德拉罗尼(Kwan饰)在修道院长大,在她的父母死于飞机失事以后没有亲戚情愿领养她,由于她的母亲是中东人,这令他们感到反感。蜜雪儿感谢修道院收容了像她这样一名孤儿并且抚养她长大,所以就决议完成学业以后也成为一名修女。但是蜜雪儿的冤家卡查菲亚(Aimee饰),想要开一所学校,压服她来协助。苏佩罗修女就给了她一笔奖学金,让她在巴黎学习,并且呆在那里的修道院里。至于卡查菲亚,她也
  •   As the sisters who raised him have to leave, Henry has to figure out how to live by himself within the city. He finds a job in a lighting shop and claims to "lighten up people's life". His
  • 摩玛(Ismail Ghaffari 饰)的一生理想就是可以在伊拉克库尔德斯坦举行音乐会终于,在三十五年之后,摩玛的这个理想行将变为事实,他的音乐会终于取得了政府的同意。可是,音乐会取得了同意仅仅只是一个末尾,前面还有一大堆的费事和效果在等候着摩玛逐一去处置,摩玛和自己的十个儿子共同踏上了圆梦之旅。  为了完成音乐会,摩玛必需找到一位女歌手,可是,在库尔德斯坦,女性是不被允许从事演艺事业
  • Mars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, not everyone is ready to go. Jacob Obus, a charismatic and beloved septuagenarian, leader of the anti
  • Sometimes, we're just waiting for a miracle. A nurse who is a Jehovah's Witness, grows fond of the miracle survivor of a plane crash. Two sexagenarians, a bartender and a parking lot attendant want to