
  • A love story about ambition, giving up and reaching the dreams.
  • Best friends Mimmi and R?nkk? work after school at a foodcourt smoothie kiosk, frankly swapping stories of their frustrations and expectations regarding love and sex. Volatile misfit Mimmi, unexpected
  • 1119年,“圣殿骑士团”成立,他们是阅历丰厚的职业军队,积聚了相当可观的财富。   1307年10月5日,法国国王想经过打击圣殿骑士团,没收其财富,以补充日趋窘困的财政开支。但是,圣殿骑士团却巧妙地把大批财富隐藏了起来。   在悠远的明天,几个丹麦的小孩在一次偶然的状况下知道了这份宝藏,但是翻开宝藏需求特定的符号,于是他们决议一同去寻觅这份宝藏,但是路途异常艰辛,他们能否找到这份宝藏?
  • 德克鲁传奇英语
    A young man embarks on a journey to find three magical stones in order to stop an evil threat from consuming the world.
  • A young man embarks on a journey to find three magical stones in order to stop an evil threat from consuming the world.