
  • A bride's divorced parents find their old feelings for each other during the wedding reception and over the course of the next few days upsetting the newlywed's honeymoon.
  • 还记得《阿甘正传》一片中,阿甘与美国总统握手的电影特效吗?其栩栩如生的效果,曾在全世界惹起了一阵风潮其实早在此片之前,导演Carl Reiner就曾经尝试将当代喜剧演员们的演出、与过去知名演员演出的老片,剪接在一同。因此培育了这明天所说的部创意十足的爆笑喜剧片《大侦探对大明星(Dead Men Don""t Wear Plaid)》。  此片可说是对40年代的侦探电影致敬的作品,由Ste
  • A bride"s divorced parents find their old feelings for each other during the wedding reception and over the course of the next few days upsetting the newlywed"s honeymoon.
  • 以《衰鬼上错身》末尾为人熟知的史蒂夫·马丁,其真实他跃登银幕的处女作时就表现出一鸣惊人的搞笑才气。本片男主角大笨蛋从小由黑人佃农收养长大,后来离家出外闯荡江湖,从事多种幽默的任务,自然也闹出了不少的笑话,还展开了一段繁华的多角恋爱。全片剧情的铺排比拟松懈,但多个片段组成的开展轻松流利惹笑,文娱效果颇高,是导演卡尔·赖纳的代表作之一。