
  • 以二十年代美国文人雅士组成的阿尔金圆桌俱乐部为背景,描写传奇女作家桃乐茜.帕克和她身边众多人物之间的感情故事剧情结构比拟松懈,并没有鲜明的戏剧性,但导演艾伦.鲁道夫成功地重新塑造了时代氛,并且让那些出口成章的文学家们不时吐出机智幽默的对白。女主角珍妮弗.贾森.利沉郁的特性化演出使影片的节拍显得比拟缓慢,但坎贝尔.斯科特饰演的作家罗伯特.班杰利却效果甚佳。在片中客串演出的明星和作家甚多,特别适宜对美
  • An eccentric, unconventional woman whose naive aspirations to rise from her job as a security guard to full-fledged private eye lead her into a tangled PL: mess.
  • An eccentric, unconventional woman whose naive aspirations to rise from her job as a security guard to full-fledged private eye lead her into a tangled PL: mess.