
  • 不会说话也听不见的Barfi(兰碧 卡普尔 Ranbir Kapoor 饰)是个快乐的青年他聪明愚钝鬼点子不少,四处无事生非,让人又爱又恨。这样的日子由于Shruti(艾琳娜 Ileana 饰)的到来而发作变化,Barfi恋爱了。但Shruti早已定有婚约,在妈妈的一 番劝说阻拦之下,Shruti分开了大吉岭,去往加尔各答和她“对的人”结婚,留下Barfi一人失魂落魄。&n
  • A dark comedy anthology, which was supposed to be center on unavoidable jeopardize of life and has four different stories set in a quintessential Indian metro
  • A dark comedy anthology, which was supposed to be center on unavoidable jeopardize of life and has four different stories set in a quintessential Indian metro