
  • 暂无简介
  • A daughter kidnapped. A hidden past revealed. A seemingly futile chance at rescue. Now, Rev. Jeremiah Jacobs and his wife Martha must overcome the lies of the past to find their Hope for the future.
  • A damaged young woman is looking forward to moving to a beautiful new home, but the spirit of a deranged nun wants her to stay right where she is
  • In this engrossing survival thriller set during the Japanese invasion of Singapore in 1942, a stranded Australian airman and a Chinese resistance fighter band together to fight their way out of a forb
  • 持久以来,小镇居民们对菲利克斯(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)的猜想和疑心从未停歇。有人觉得他生性孤僻是个怪胎,有人觉得他犯下了什么不可宽恕的严酷罪行,有人甚至信誓旦旦的说他将灵魂交予了魔鬼换来了可怕的才干,总而言之,一切的言论最终都以这样的一句话来开头——“要不然他怎样会终年躲在森林里不愿出面呢?”   某一天,奥秘的菲利克斯出如今了惊慌的居民们面前,他的出现除了带来
  • 被卢浮宫馆长扶养长大,却由于某白化病刺客杀死馆长而自愿四处漂泊的露西(洁玛·梅斯),在墨西哥“自在摔角”大肇事前的难民爱德蒙(卡尔·潘)近来“航班蛇患”事情中的生还者苏珊(芳恩·钱伯尔斯)和来自“X战警社区”却没有超才干的变种人彼得(亚当·坎贝尔),这四个不幸孤儿终于走到了一同 不幸的四人受邀进入怪人威利·旺卡的“巧克力冒险工厂”欣赏,结果露西在一个房间发现了微妙的魔衣橱。猎奇的露西翻开衣橱,居然
  • 一名非裔美国男性在被认定谋杀妻子的罪名成立后,被关进了监狱,并被独自释放,他被内心的恶魔和死去的妻子所困扰,并被优待的女看守逼到了绝境
  • NickNewell,aone-armedMMAfightergetsararechancetofightforthelightweightchampionship.Hestrivestowinforhimselfandalltheotherpeopleintheworldwithphysicalchallenges.
  • 西贡陷落时,越南堕入一片动乱不安的局面,巴洛克上校的妻子琳是越南人,她阳阴错差来不及撤离,却让巴洛克误以为她已被炸死,只要伤心肠坐直升机回美国。十二年之后,一位来自越南的牧师通知他,琳和他的儿子还活着,生活十分贫困,于是他独自前往越南挽救妻儿,但见到了琳却救不了她,儿子则与一群美越混血儿历经千辛...
  • An African American male is imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement after being found guilty of murdering his wife, as he's haunted by internal demons and his dead wife, and pushed to the breaki