
  • 丹在一个没有记忆的海滩上醒来他发现了一个被致命病毒蹂躏的空城。在结交了一小群幸存者后,很快就清楚了,军队正在追捕他,而这群人自愿停止一次风险的逃亡之旅。
  • A young boy gets swept up in a spy adventure when he accidentally wakens a 1973 secret service agent from cryo-freeze and decides to help him solve a mysterious crime case from forty years ago.
  • 疫情时期特别录制,伦敦西区2020年全新复排版契诃夫名作《万尼亚舅舅》在终了演出后,又重回哈罗德·品特剧院录制了这一五星作品。在全球大局部剧院仍处于黑暗之中时,给人们带来一剂警醒的力气和希望。被《旗帜晚报》誉为我们时代的‘万尼亚舅舅’。此版复排由奥利弗奖得主,出演过《美国队长》《控方证人》等剧的托比·琼斯,和因《霍比特人》《南方与南方》走红的理查德·阿米蒂奇领衔主演,录制版本还约请到两度奥利弗奖得
  • CHRONICALLY METROPOLITAN is a cynical and clever coming of age film about first time novelist Fenton Dillane, who, unannounced returns to New York City to confront his family, his ex- girlfriend and a
  • CHRONICALLY METROPOLITAN is a cynical and clever coming of age film about first time novelist Fenton Dillane, who, unannounced returns to New York City to confront his family, his ex- girlfriend and a
  • Yarik是一个感人的电影,大约5、6岁的男孩被他母亲遗弃在火车站,而他在这里等候他的父亲...