
  • 故事女主角因心爱弟弟的逝世而分开日本散心,在著名自杀悬崖旁的村庄遇到了各色各样的外地人,在于他们的交往中女人渐渐取得继续前行的勇气
  • An attack on the new President of a fledgling Eastern European democracy pits an American covert operative against the country's ruthless military leader determined to seize control of the government.
  • 主人公爱玛在她10岁生日那天遭受可怕的创伤,从此她决议不再庆贺生日这天是爱玛21岁生日,闺蜜艾丽欣坚持要为她举行一个惊喜的派对,此举令爱玛感到异常恐惧。。
  • The film is an action love story of a renegade cop who believes that the only way to eradicate crime is to give criminals the bullet - not handcuffs.
  • 电影讲述农场工人Narsimha急需求一笔钱作为孩子的教育开支。他在有意中遇见了一个纳萨尔派团伙,并且只需他入伙完成一个武装义务就可以拿到他所需求的钱。但不久Narsimha就发现,这个团伙的目的居然就是经过军事训练后,手持军火器械中止烧杀抢掳。Narsimha妄图逃脱这种罪恶的生活,不过一旦他重返事实生活也还将遭到法律制裁。
  • 一群在网路上相识的网友,相约要去野外露营,却因一场突如其来的不测自愿在森林裡一间废弃小木屋裡过夜在看似已成废墟的小木屋内,他们有意间找到一台微妙的底片相机,竟发现这台相机可以预知他们的死亡惨样!随著一连串耸人听闻的灾难发作,当同伴们逐一死去,剩下的人必需尽快解开相机之谜,却发现更惨不忍睹的死亡在迎接著他们……
  • 在2037年時出現一種會讓人不孕的病毒,人類面臨了存亡的危機許多科學家想盡辦法尋求解決方法,此時,一對科學家在研讨過程中不测創造出時光機,因此他們方案回到過去,防止病毒出現
  • Jamez Bond is the lead character in Spoof, a frustrated one, since he"s not able to figure out a way to complete his famous sentence: "My name is...", before getting shot. Yep, this is the n
  • Dancer, currently in post-production, will offer an immersive and personal portrait of Polunin, the 25-year-old Ukrainian star, described by critics as “the James Dean of the ballet world”
  • A teenage girl is raised underground by a kindly robot "Mother" -- designed to repopulate the earth following the extinction of humankind. But their unique bond is threatened when an inexpli