
  • After a romantic weekend gets sidetracked, a young couple find themselves at an outdated hotel, caught up in murderous death-loops, and as bait for a demon.
  • 贾巴尔·辛格(帕万·卡延饰)是一位孤胆警官,有万夫莫敌之勇,有一天突然被莫明其妙调往一个叫“拉坦普尔”的小镇,这是一块法外之地,现国王拜拉夫·辛格(沙拉德·凯卡尔饰)在此屠杀人民,攫取暴利,无恶不作阿尔施(卡加·阿加瓦尔饰)是一位美丽的公主,老国王及王后均已过世,现国王拜拉夫及姑妈等人对她的财富和美貌虎视眈眈,虽然有司令官哈利·那拉延(穆克什·里希饰)的协助,仍感独木难支这时,贾巴尔和阿尔施相遇了
  • 安娜在床上醒来,脑袋由于前一夜的狂欢有些昏沉疼痛她翻开手机,发现新增一款名为“伊丽丝”(IRIS) 的微妙互动APP;它将好姊妹出轨的证据偷拍上去,还将不雅照、私密影片和讯息散布至脸书,监控她的生活,周遭冤家纷繁卷入,堕入恐慌 安娜用尽一切方法,欲将伊丽丝移除,却引来致命杀机。不甘居于优势的她,决议正面迎击…。
  • Follows 20-year-old Drea, who reluctantly takes a job babysitting for a professor of a college she hopes to attend. Struggling to entertain the professor"s children Trissy and Jake, along with her own
  • Beneath the fake blood and cheap masks of countless haunted house attractions across the country, there are whispers of truly terrifying alternatives. Looking to find an authentic, blood-curdling good
  • Five haunted-house enthusiast friends are still trying to recover from the trauma of being kidnapped the previous Halloween by the Blue Skeleton — a group who takes “extreme haunt” t
  • “生活大爆炸”中约翰尼·盖尔克奇主演的奇幻喜剧,一个心碎的男人参与一个肉体静修来污染自己和修复他破碎的生活,但是发现“污染”释放的比日常毒素多的更多…
  • 才干出众的迷信家史崔贝博士研讨出一种新型杀伤力极强的瓦斯剂,却因此遭到生性残酷的不法之徒葛洛克之威迫,并且绑架史崔贝之心爱的女儿丽莎,要挟史崔贝将该风险武器研发成功乔凯斯这位黑带三段的夫夫高手,为了维护正义,偕同少年忍者海洛一同深化虎内涉险陷害丽莎,破坏毒瓦斯方案,一场生死存已之浩劫终能幸免吗
  • 著名乡村歌手Chely Wright的传记
  • A story of nephew and a son which revolves around their emotions and village drama and army based story.