
  • 年轻的纽约女孩南希在去参与一场聚会的路上遇见了年轻的男孩查理在两人的接触和了解中,查理发现了南希的音乐梦。于是两人一同去纽约,鼓舞南希为了完本钱人的梦想努力。但是花心的制片人骗了南希,而南希为了失掉制片人协助自己顺利出第一张专辑,拒绝了查理的忠告,两人闹掰。然后,南希看法到自己做错了,跑去跟查理抱歉。就在查理的修车厂门口,南希用两人一同写的那首歌感动了查理,两人重归于好。
  • Two years after Jason Parks (Landy Cannon) saved Warrior Princess Summer Vale (Brigitte Kingsley) from her life hunting Killopoths in the demon dimension, a sudden surge of supernatural activity and v
  • There are two Earths. Our Earth is a place where magic and Demons are things of folklore and legend. Dark Earth, is a dimension created in the high middle ages to separate us from Demons and other cre