
  • 一行人在深山裡迷了路,還得應付一群軍閥頭目及外星異形,但最後卻無人倖免一條異變毒蛇因其幼卵受人類摧殘,決定以牙還牙,將無端闖入的人類趕盡殺絕。
  • Following the sudden and mysterious death of their father, a brother and sister return home to their sprawling New Orleans estate and encounter their unhinged stepmother, who will stop at nothing to g
  • 萨姆是西北一座小镇的一名大先生,他很不情愿的卷入了室友们的一场竞争,看谁能在这学期末泡到校园里最美丽的MM这时他和冤家得知小镇里来了一名美女,而渐渐地小镇里的男人都末尾失了踪...
  • When Holloman Academy, a posh New England private school, is visited by a demonic headmaster, a humble janitor, who is secretly the guardian of the school, teams up with the headmaster"s grandson in o