
  • In 1977, a book of photographs captured an awakening - women shedding the cultural restrictions of their childhoods and embracing their full humanity. Feminists - What Were They Thinking? revisits tho
  • 1985年,智利的一间废弃物处置公司,在北部的艾利卡郊区倾倒2万1千吨来自瑞典铜锌矿商的有毒废弃物不久,智利政府竟赞同在废弃物掩埋场左近兴修贫民窟,数千户贫穷家庭暴露在充溢铅和砷等风险有毒物质的环境中,孩子们在此渡过他们的童年,重金属对他....
  • 《浓情伊比萨》一个美丽的岛屿伊维萨岛,肖邦的新居,也是异性恋之都,是驰放音乐(chill out music)的发源地美丽的白沙滩,美妙的音乐,最棒的俱乐部,最著名的DJ,美丽的美女和出彩的歌舞,让人留恋忘返
  • Borgen is a drama sensation from the producers of the acclaimed series The Killing. Following the intricate and complicated lives of politicians, media spinners and the reporters who feed off their tr
  • 2016温哥华电影节做志愿者不时没时间看电影。有一天放假从早上10点到早晨10点看了6部电影。这是第一部,一大早就看眼泪哗哗的。