
  • Follows 20-year-old Drea, who reluctantly takes a job babysitting for a professor of a college she hopes to attend. Struggling to entertain the professor"s children Trissy and Jake, along with her own
  • 影片多面展现了美国第一位黑人副警长拜斯·里弗斯的传奇故事在他漫长的风险职业生涯中,他曾拘捕逾越3000名罪犯
  •   吉姆(比尔·普尔曼 Bill Pullman 饰)和阿博(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰)是性情悬殊的父子两,虽然生活中两人经常由于意见不合而大动干戈,但也因此碰撞出了许多智慧的火花吉姆和阿博想要酿造一种名为“莎当妮”的葡萄酒,以
  • Redwood Forrest Hanson dreams that if he can beat Jack Nicklaus at the 1975 Masters of golf, he"ll reunite his parents forever.
  • Logan和Noah这对双胞胎兄弟的父亲在狱中逝世,两兄弟以这部自传性҉电影来纪念死去的爸爸,但两人没钱也没人脉,只好离开旧金山「堵」到艾德哈里斯,并费尽唇舌找到得奖连连的任务团队,剧本改编自兄弟的自传著作《Either You're In or You're in the Way》,除了艾德哈里斯以外,还有劳勃佛斯特、布莱德杜瑞夫、李梅薇德等人也参与演出这部关于家人之间的亲情联络与救赎的电影,L
  • 五年前,一系列模拟名画场景的连环杀人案惊扰纽约城,警探斯坦(Willem Dafoe 饰)授命调查此案,但是却迟迟没有停顿,令其饱受言论压力斯坦以少女克莉斯特(Samantha MacIvor 饰)作诱饵吸引凶手,虽然成功击毙嫌疑犯艾迪,却也招致克莉斯特惨遭杀害 艾迪一案使斯坦失掉警署嘉奖,顺利升职,不过他的心中不时对遇害少女怀无愧疚,并且此案面前似乎另有隐情。心中接受庞大内疚之情的斯坦沉溺酒精,
  • 热力四射的暑假行将过去,goosip girl却从未分开大家的视野,继续日日大爆料我们亲爱的Seriena(Blake Lively 饰)和寂寞男孩Dan(Penn Badgley 饰)似乎爱火重燃,但是招致他们分手的基本效果从没有真正处置,再次分手也就变故意甘情愿的事,于是二人末尾努力学习如何去当普通冤家。上一季不欢而散的Blair(Leighton Meester 饰)和Chuck(Ed We
  • UKChannel4确定开发一部名为《温莎王室Windsors》的喜剧,该剧是源于真实生活的虚拟故事,讲述的是王室的生活和爱情故事。前六集由Tyler-Moore和GeorgeJeffrie执笔,估量明年启
  • Francesca Goode is a successful New York banker who goes from being a Boss to being Broke overnight after the feds freeze all her assets when she"s wrongfully blamed for unethical banking practices. S
  • The son of an African-American Judge is killed by police officers on the day he was set to begin law enforcement academy. When the courts clear the officers of wrongdoing, the Judge must decide whethe