
  • 在小镇上不怎样合群的芬恩希望在本地的溜冰竞赛中一鸣惊人,为此他投入了大批的肉体与热情,希望有朝一日能成为职业溜冰运发起但在他的训练溜冰场关门后,他和小同伴们必需想方法让它重新营业起来
  • A global steelworks company partners with an aerospace firm to mine the Moon.   However, when a drilling accident causes a giant piece of the Moon to crack off and hurtle towards Earth, the surviving
  •   Sibling adventurers come under attack from jungle animals while searching for their missing father. As they fight back against the relentless onslaught, they soon start to realize something much mor
  • Logan和Noah这对双胞胎兄弟的父亲在狱中逝世,两兄弟以这部自传性҉电影来纪念死去的爸爸,但两人没钱也没人脉,只好离开旧金山「堵」到艾德哈里斯,并费尽唇舌找到得奖连连的任务团队,剧本改编自兄弟的自传著作《Either You're In or You're in the Way》,除了艾德哈里斯以外,还有劳勃佛斯特、布莱德杜瑞夫、李梅薇德等人也参与演出这部关于家人之间的亲情联络与救赎的电影,L