
  • An army veteran attempts to assimilate back into a country he barely recognizes while trying to win the heart of an Iraqi immigrant who is on the verge of being deported.
  • 艾伦、瑞德和斯米蒂在泽西海岸渡过盛夏,散步在木板路上时堕入困境但他们发现了宝藏,这使得冤家们的怀疑和暴力晋级
  • 青年潮起,发明无界《我们的浪潮》是由腾讯视频出品的首部全球潮流文明体验式纪录片,11 月28 日起每周四晚九点在腾讯视频全网独播本片以《来自街头》、《美妆美幻》、《从头末尾》、《愈夜愈潮》为四大主题,采用体验者介入式的纪录片方式,经过具有地域跨度和文明反差的故事,出现潮流与青年文明中最美观的外型,最鲜活的场景和人物故事,以兴味文娱的互动方式带出潮流面前的文明点和知识点。而更深层次,则是这些故事面前
  • 一位陆军老兵试图重新融入一个他简直不看法的国度,同时试图赢得一个行将被驱逐出境的伊拉克移民的心
  • The series chronicles the tales of some of country music’s most eccentric characters and has eight episodes on the way. Mike Judge Presents: Tales From the Tour Bus is co-created by Judge, Richard Mul