
  • Eric是一名天赋过人的高尔夫球手,也是一个十分没有修养的大先生一次高尔夫对决中,他输给了一对整形外科医生,他的生活由此发作了天翻地覆的变化:他失掉了钱,失掉了女友,失掉了尊严,失掉了高尔夫球,他的坏男孩的生活态度戛但是止。Eric和好冤家Tyler计划找回自己的生活,成为一个真正的女子...
  • Adriana, a dancer from Caracas, arrives in Miami with her camera and a dream of becoming a famous film director. Answering an add, she is hired by French Producers, JR and his unstable brother Mark, t
  • Six months no longer part of the Organization, the Coopers have to live their lives without being spies. That changes their lives forever. But when K.C finds out that Ursula has been torturing them, t
  • 这是一个关于异性伴侣结婚的概念从一个“荒唐的概念”变成了国度法律的史诗般的、不为人知的故事《婚姻平权路》记载了我们这个时代最伟大的民权故事之一,它是一个扣人心弦的幕后故事,追溯了婚姻对等运动的历史进程,提醒了这场运动的筹划者,她们在美国各地指导争取异性婚姻的妥协。这是一个鼓舞人心的故事,讲述了人们如何可以真正发扬作用,并最终成为社会革新的有力剧本。
  • Six months no longer part of the Organization, the Coopers have to live their lives without being spies. That changes their lives forever. But when K.C finds out that Ursula has been torturing them, t
  • A precocious kid and a police officer join forces to catch a criminal at large