
  •   几段围绕新年这个幸福时辰展开的男女之间的恋爱故事。有人爱上了冤家的男冤家,有的人让你觉得在他身边才可以做真正的自己,有的人只为了可以抚平受伤的心灵而选择了基本不适宜自己的人……在新年行将到来的时分,在拆开礼物之前的紧张,兴奋,等候,也和爱情一样吧?
  •   《情人节甜心 Valentine Sweety》用疯狂的爱情电影再酿甘美,这是2012年情人节上映的一部泰国浪漫情感爱情电影,影片讲述的是几对情侣在生活中的每个角落里的幸福小故事,该片的演员是包括Pae在内的众多泰国俊男靓女云集,相对值得一看
  •   A woman is afflicted with an unusual condition; she cries all the time, at the slightest provocation regardless of whether she’s happy or sad, beset by anxieties or problem-free. Nicknamed “Madame H
  • Through a mix-up both Note and Joe has a joint medical examination. Because of this Joe establishes a bond with the more hesitant Note. Note"s problem is a rare disorder that gives him partially amnes