
  • This is the stark, moving ultimately redemptive story of the bonds these children make with one another, and of how the friendships forged at Windermere become a lifeline to a fruitful future.
  • Netflix全新青春励志爱情喜剧电影,讲诉一名其貌不扬的聪明女高中生Sierra由于一条误发的信息与男生Jamey发生情愫,但却不敢用真面目面对心上人,她要如何克制自己的心思阻碍英勇追爱呢?(via胖鸟电影网)
  • 一名警官奋力找出杀害她作为一名卧底警察的丈夫的凶手,但事实远比她想的要黑暗。
  • ★ 体验一镜终究,第一人称视角殭尸恐惧片!  ★ 面对活尸末日,你选择杀出重围,还是坐以待毙?  ★ 2015 洛杉矶Shriekfest 恐惧电影节  ★ “《阴尸路》与《鸟人》的完美结合” -Escapist Magazine  ★ “向乔治罗梅洛致敬之作” -JoBlo / Arrowin the Head  一场殭尸浩劫暴虐一个家庭寓居的安静小镇,观众将随著主人公的视角阅历这家人求生的进程
  • This is the stark, moving ultimately redemptive story of the bonds these children make with one another, and of how the friendships forged at Windermere become a lifeline to a fruitful futur
  • Netflix全新青春励志爱情喜剧电影,讲诉一名其貌不扬的聪明女高中生Sierra由于一条误发的信息与男生Jamey发生情愫,但却不敢用真面目面对心上人,她要如何克制自己的心思阻碍英勇追爱呢?