
  • 讲述的是作为一个青少年曾经够令人苦恼了,要同时还是一个小狼人那可就是让人解体了14岁的Maddy很喜欢自己的才干:强化的感官,超凡的速度,更强壮且优雅的身体,但是她并不喜欢这些才干带来的各种秘密
  •   A passenger is stabbed to death on the express bus to Honore. Jack and his team are baffled by the case though as no-on
  • 《哈丽特的军队》故事设定在一战时期,讲述的是14岁的小镇姑娘哈丽特,领着身边一群乖僻的小同伴组建了一支"军队",参与到抗战队伍中的阅历;本剧是CBBC台的作品,偏低龄化...往年其他已播出的一战纪念作品有《战前37天》《Thecrimsonfield》,行将播出的还有《ourwars》和《Thepassingbells》,感兴味的请留意...
  • This year Silent Witness celebrates its 20th anniversary with five explosive stories that take the show into new and uncharted territories as well as delving into the murky depths of city life. Five c