
  • One has to be brave enough to accept loosing old self for the sake of growing up. Kira becomes adult briskly, watching her family and soviet childhood smashing into pieces. So does Ukraine in the earl
  • Samuel和Beckett Emerson兄弟在父亲的阴影下困难度日他们的父亲Warren,赌博、酗酒将兄弟俩带回家的一切钱花光。生活的穷困消磨着人的意志,每个家庭成员都以自己的方式寻觅着心灵抚慰,莎士比亚,连环画,以及镜花水月的爱情。Beckett希望经过伪造归还父亲的一些欠款。但随着Beckett方案失败,为了生活,这个家必需做些改动……
  • Brothers Samuel and Beckett Emerson are barely scraping by. Their father, Warren, continues to gamble and drink away any money they bring home. With all the havoc that is constantly going on in their
  • 安妮(洛特·弗贝克 Lotte Verbeek 饰)是一个特性顽强的女孩,伟大的生活和拥堵的城市让她几欲窒息,绝望之中,她背下行囊,末尾了寻觅自我的特殊旅程在旅途中,安妮结识了和自己有着相似气息的女子马丁(斯蒂芬·瑞 Stephen Rea 饰),两人之间的距离越走越近敏感的安妮发现了这段关系中的风险和缺陷,她向马丁提出了要求,要求两人只做旅伴,不谈感情。在同行的途中,安妮和马丁都加深了对彼此的了
  • Fueled by the arrival of a young painter, Elpida is a housewife who finds refuge from her monotonous life in her own fantasy world. As this fantasy world becomes filled with thoughts of vengeful viole