
  • 作品改编自莎莉·葛琳(Sally Green)的同名小说。   16岁的内森的母亲是白女巫,父亲却是黑巫师,他自小被严峻监管由于他必需抵御来自他父亲血缘的破坏愿望,但是他必需在17岁之前做出自己的决议,否则他面临的将会是死亡……
  • 西贝尔·拉扎是一个阿尔及利亚的移民他在魁北克的一所小学义务,他的前任教员喜剧地死掉了虽然他前任的死令小学的同事和他的先生很悲痛,而且这些生者在心灵上都阅历了漫长的恢复进程,但是没有人希望知道拉扎先生痛苦的过往和生活,也没有人清楚他时时辰刻都在担忧自己随时可以会被驱逐出这个国度。
  • A series of vignettes illustrating human captives being literally treated like animals by humanoid figures with animal heads - who or what exactly are these people?
  • Paris 1895; Pierre is a Parisian dandy and poet on the verge of fame. He and his poet friend Henri are both madly in love with Marie, the cheeky daughter of their mentor, Franco-Cuban poet José