
  • 阿根廷恐惧片布宜诺斯艾利斯的一个社区发作了新奇事情,一名专研超自然的博士和她的同事以及一名警官决议深化调查。
  • Buenos Aires: A cop is called to a bizarre crime scene so requests the assistance of an old friend who has a penchant for the paranormal. When the pair discover that a number of homes are connected to
  • Three petty crooks (Faison, Thomas, and Guerra) juggle their "significant other" relationships while weaving their way through a botched burglary.
  • Buenos Aires: A cop is called to a bizarre crime scene so requests the assistance of an old friend who has a penchant for the paranormal. When the pair discover that a number of homes are connected to
  • Guillaume is a “clean” young man. He doesn't do hard drugs and has no criminal record. But his whole world is suddenly turned upside down when he learns that his father, a compulsive gambler, is in ho